Friday, December 30, 2016

GIFT for 2017: A Dozen a Day

Hi there. I'm Marci, founder of the Grace Initiative Foundation Tree, LLC (GIFT).  I am not really a New Year's Eve kind of person.  I am definitely not a New Years Resolution kind of person. I am, though, the kind of person who continuously strives to be better, to do better, to initiate more and find hope for this world of ours every day in every way. I am a person of commitment who doesn't need a resolution to make me feel resolute. Yet, I find myself just a tad too excited to ring in this particular new year, because it brings in a new program I conceived for GIFT for 2017: Donations by the Dozen.

Each day of 2017, the Grace Initiative will donate $12.00 to a different charity. In my not always so humble opinion, every dollar counts, but I know $12.00 doesn't always sound like it makes a big impact for some organizations. Yet it does and it can. For example, (Rape Abuse and Incest National Network) can help one survivor through their hotline for $10.00, so the $12 would help one survivor.

However, $12 a day adds up in a year, and $12 a day to a different charity each day gives us a wonderful path  to follow, not knowing where it will lead. My hopes and dreams have no limits, but my vision for this project knows realities can cause obstacles to overcome. I see it as a conversation we are starting together and hope it leads to a celebration. I see it as a way to matchmake people and organizations and hope it leads to a relationship with even more people and organizations. I see it as a seedling where I may be the only one watering it at first, and I hope it leads to a tree where we all find possibility. I see the ordinary, the ups and downs, mistakes and success, and I hope we will put some #GraceInIt and find the extraordinary. So cheers to a new year and a new Grace Initiative, and cheers to you, whoever and wherever you are and whoever and wherever you want to be.  Come and be a dreamer with me and with the Grace Initiative Foundation Tree.