I thought the best way to end a week of Celebration of Life and children would be to talk about bullying, since it affects directly or indirectly so many, if not all, children. In my research, I found Pacer's National Bullying Prevention Center and the Together Against Bullying (TAG) Program, and I love it.
PACER offers the best anti-bullying site I've seen so far with loads of resources, toolkits for classrooms. videos, stories, ways to get involved, and events.In fact there's so much great content, I feel bad skimming such a small surface. I highly suggest an in-depth look at PACER resources if you have children in school, just so you are aware of the signs and effects, if nothing else.
We have all grown increasingly aware of the detriments of bullying, particularly cyberbullying lately. In my not at all humble opinion, no child should ever be given cause, even fleetingly, to think of committing suicide, much less be driven to it by bullying. Almost anyone can get involved in even the smallest ways, costing nothing to support the cause. First, just help someone, be kind, throw out a compliment randomly or share a comment here and tell us why you care: http://www.pacer.org/bullying/icarebecause/ I care because I want children to be able to grow and live in a better world and share the unique self they are - not matter who that may be.
On this page, http://www.pacerteensagainstbullying.org/tab/take-action/, you can learn how to help. You can download this flyer and place it around your school or office: http://www.pacerkidsagainstbullying.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/NBPC-flyer.pdf. You can wear orange October 19 for Unity Day to express your support.
You can order bookmarks for our school here: http://www.pacer.org/bullying/resources/bookmarks.asp
The site offers a rich array of videos, including video situations of bullying and pop quizzes to explore the behind the scene dynamics.
The information here is thoughtful and varied, so I hope you will take a look, because after all,
TAG! You're it.
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Our email is DonationsByTheDozen@gmail.com.
Thanks and cheers to charity, m