Sunday, March 19, 2017

78: National Let's Laugh (it's the best medicine) Day

Let's laugh to celebrate National Let's Laugh Day.  The nonprofit I found for you today is no laughing matter, yet the Laughter Saves Lives Foundation (LSLF) uses comedy to raise funds "to provide assistance to First Responders trying to overcome financial hardship due to an unforeseen tragedy or illness. These First Responders are the silent heroes who do not hesitate to put their lives in harm’s way to help others in an emergency. LSL will focus on the stories that do not make the front pages in the media, yet these individuals and families need our support." (
The LSLF comedy tour dedicates each show to a fallen first responder from the September 11, 2001 terror attacks and uses part of the proceeds and other donations or raised funds to assist these first responders and to support other fire, police, and military charities. You can find a list of their comics here
The LSLF "Almost Gala" is this week. You can get tickets on this link, or if you can't make it, you can also donate here on their Indiegogo campaign page and watch it from home: If you want to support it in a bigger way and can't go to the gala, there are options to buy your tickets and donate them to a veteran. 
I hope you find a smile and a laugh in your day for Let's Laugh Day and every day, because it's fun and good for you. "Man, when you lose your laugh you lose your footing." Ken Kesey 

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Thanks and cheers to charity

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